Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nienke van der Meulen: Ceramic Artist

On the slopes of Table Mountain, under ancient oak trees and set amidst a small nursery, is home to Nienke van der Meulen's ceramic studio. Its sits in the creative hub which is the Montebello Centre, surrounded by Iron Mongers, Jewellers and Artists alike. Nienke creates gorgeous large sculptural vessels, inspired by the beautiful natural surroundings. Her work has a distinctly raw and African flavour, surfaces baked and textured with found objects such as porcupine quills.

While I was in Cape Town for a stint in November/ December I had the pleasure of attending her studio classes. The setting is second to none with one side open to fresh and fragrant nursery air. A tree grows right through the middle of it - it got there first...

Nienke is an extremely talented and experienced teacher, I cant think of a much more satisfying way to spend a morning than with clay oozing through your fingers as you are assisted to mould a creation from mud to vessel.

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