Thursday, February 3, 2011

The love of Paper

Pa-per: Noun: A substance made from wood pulp, rags, straw or other fibrous materials, usually in thin sheets, used to bear writing, for wrapping things etc...

Nowhere have I been more fascinated by paper than on a recent trip to China. Paper has a real history, scrolls with curled up edges line the walls, fans in the making are drying in back streets, revolutionary writings were treated like bibles. Paper = learning. China and paper felt synonymis.

Paper and paper products are beautiful items to add an nostalgic air to a space think old envelopes stamped stuffed with letters from afar, think prints bought at a gravel floored flea market in Paris, bookshelves lined with bound spines, think paper lanterns guiding you down a path, mobiles of butterflies, birds, paper jets - options are endless.

Here are some of my 'paper' shots of China, it was only after I finished our trip there did i realise the significance and vastness of the paper scene.

Teachings at a book market

Paper scrolls line the walls. Calligraphy hand writing was considered a very important job and only for the extremely talented. Dont you love the way the edges curl?

The composition here of paper goods is beautiful and tells a story of its inhabitants

Fans drying in the back streets of a rural village near Yangshou, a bicycle ride away

I would love to know what wise musings these contain

Dave with his well groomed beard sourrounded by ...paper. These scrolls request good energy of sorts. Wouldnt it be lovely for the western language to be visual art?

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